Birthdays Widget allows to add your custom birthday-list and display a custom message in a widget only when it’s necessary. WordPress Users can also have a birthdays field, or you can even draw their birthday date from another user metafield.
Calendar Demo
- Integration with WordPress User Profile and Registration Form
- Customizable message and image
- Export to CSV file
- Import/Restore from CSV
- Greek & English Languages
- Templates: List, Calendar, Default
Some use our plugin as an announcement tool, as you can modify the message and the image shown in widget.
hi there, can I send a voucher to my users for there birthday ?
Dear Tom,
At the moment you can’t do something. It is on the roadmap to add automated emails to people with birthdays. Maybe then you’ll be able to achieve what you have in mind.
Kind Regards,
Having a problem viewing the calendar with everyone’s birthdates showing.
When I click on the page to view this I just get “HTTP ERROR 500” – This is the page which uses the code “[birthdays template=”calendar”]”
Also the birthdays widget in wp-admin is only showing the first so many entries and not allowing me to view more.
Any ideas where to start in diagnosing this?
Thanks in advance
Dear Yuri,
On the birthday plugin we would like to be able to wish people a happy birthday by clicking on their name when it is their birthday. Like on facebook. Is this possible?
Is the plugin still being updated and supported because it says it was last updated 3 years ago.
this is one of the best widgets out there for birthdays. you should continue to support
Birthdays Widget needs a fix for WordPress 5.5 for is deprecated problem.
In file birthdays-widget/js/script.js at line 91 replace .live( with .on(
Old: jQuery( ‘.upload_image_button’ ).live( ‘click’, function( event ) {
New: jQuery( ‘.upload_image_button’ ).on( ‘click’, function( event ) {
I can’t open the options (only general setting). How can I access the other options like image settings?
I can’t open the options like “image settings”. I can only access “general settings”. How can I access the other options?